Jim Bob the 5th
Monthly Supporter
“Tannerlovescorn.xyz is my all time favorite website. I spend hours upon hours looking at the corn pictures. Tanner has the best recipes!!!! Subscribe to tannerlovescornxyz today!!!!
J Dog Corn
Monthly Supporter
Yoooo when I found Tannerlovescorn.xyz it really helped me get out of my slump. Shcool was hard and so was life.. coudn’t get no dates to prom.. but now with tannerlovescorn.xyz… I have all the dates i could ever want!! my gf Libby loves the corn on the cob smoothie!!
Jim Bob the 5th (again)
I help keep the tannerlovescorn.xyz going!! donate a can of corn today!! help feed Tanner!
Special Subscribers
These are my very favorite people who support my love for corn.
Founder & inspirirerI love corn.. but I also love cats. Muffins and Jerald have been supporters and a true inspiration to my love of corn since the beginning.
Design DirectorI wouldn’t be here, doing what I do, without Cornelius. He has stuck by me like butter to the corn on the cob he’s eating. He’s the real deal.